How to Buy a Diesel Generator?

In modern daily work, production, and life, electricity has become one of the most invaluable sources of energy. But in most cases, service interruption of power companies, extreme weather, or other issues may cause power outages, resulting in economic losses and inconveniences. Because of that, most companies visit to buy a diesel generator to serve as a backup source of power.

Understanding Diesel Generators

Diesel generators use a diesel engine and an electric generator so as to produce electrical power. During power outages, or in a place where there is no electricity, diesel generators are invaluable. They vary in terms of designs, model, and size, giving you an option to choose one that can meet your needs. These types of diesel generators have become indispensable for various reasons. You can use them for data backup centers, mining operations, construction operations, and hospitality industries, such as microgrids, disaster planning, resorts, and hotels, to name a few.

Buying Tips

For the last few years, diesel generators have gained a good reputation for powering up industrial and commercial setups. They help to keep businesses rolling in the case of an emergency, making them a good investment. But like a water container, not every diesel generator is created the same. This is why we have highlighted the following tips to help you buy the right diesel generator:

1. Check Your Needs

You would want to run all the appliances at the same time. Your main priority should be freezers and refrigerators to ensure food doesn’t spoil if they don’t run for an extended period. Next should be your air conditioner or heater. If there is a power outage during winter, you will also need a heat pump. And if hurricanes cause a power outage, you would want your AC to continue running. These two appliances draw a lot of electricity, so ensure you account for all of them. After these, run things, such as a dishwasher, microwave, and stove. Wattages on those appliances differ. Lastly, power your TV, computers, radios, fans, and lights. Generally, these draw little wattage.

2. Know the Modular Capability

Even if you are starting off with one unit, it will be worth it to ask your equipment manufacturer which steps you can take to use your generator with other systems to create a modular plant setup. With most generators, this process may take a maximum of ten minutes. Unfortunately, not all diesel generators provide this capability. This is why it is important to confirm with your manufacturer before you make a buying decision. If coordinated with controllers, a plug-and-play generator will power up as well as down according to on-site requirements.

3. Go for the Right Type

Mainly, there are three types of diesel generators. These types include stationary, standby, and portable. Stationary diesel generators stay in just one location and often have a cheaper canopy and frame. The running costs of owning this type of engine are fuel, and it often makes sense to invest in one. You will need a standby diesel generator where the source of power is in place. This system comes with an ATS automatic transfer switch, turning the generator automatically when there is a power outage. On the other hand, you can use a portable diesel generator on a work site, but you may still move it to other sites. The generator’s fuel efficiency, size, and brand play a vital role when it comes to the running costs. This is why it is important to research thoroughly.

4. Look at the Generator’s Age

Unsurprisingly, old generators have less life left or need more work than new systems. However, you should consider how the older generator was previously used. This is why it is important to ask questions in detail about the system’s history and age. In addition, take a couple of minutes to inspect the old generator. Visible damage, cracks, or wear & tear show there is a serious problem. Don’t let undiscovered problems catch you off guard a few months later.

5. Determine the Autonomy and Fuel Efficiency

Portable generators now consume less fuel than they used to a few years ago. The fact that new generators can run for a long time as well as more economically has been the key driver behind the growth of the market. But not every generator is created the same, and fuel might be costly. Modularity, too, contributes a lot to the fuel efficiency.

6. Consider the Noise

Although commercial generators generate too much noise in general, a diesel generator is known for being too loud. If you install a diesel generator outdoors in rural or suburban areas, this may not be a concern compared to setting diesel generators in the urban environment. However, you must remember that a diesel generator is capable of producing a noise level at high decibels, which damages eardrums or causes headaches to everyone exposed to it. The best way to deal with this and minimize the level of noise is to install a sound-attenuated enclosure. This enclosure provides weatherproofing to protect your generator from different elements. But if you plan to install your diesel generator indoors, ensure you strategically choose a suitable location, which prevents vibrations and noise from affecting your team negatively.

7. Think of the Space

Measuring and evaluating the space you want to work with at the premise is important. High-quality diesel generators feature heavy components that make these units large. Naturally, a diesel generator for a business, such as agriculture facilities or hospitals will need more power output from a backup generator – meaning, you will need sizeable equipment. This is why it is important to think of the space you have before you invest in a diesel generator.

Like a water container, a diesel generator is important for any facility, whether they are manufacturing plants, hospitals, or shopping malls. It provides a backup source of power, ensuring an uninterrupted operation during peak demand periods or power outages. Therefore, it remains an invaluable investment for businesses.

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